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Hypergamy, within the context of the Red Pill praxeology, refers to the theory that women are naturally inclined to seek out mates of higher status or value. This phenomenon is believed to be driven by evolutionary and biological factors, with women seeking partners who can provide resources, protection, and genetic advantages to their offspring. The concept of hypergamy is central to understanding the dynamics of attraction, relationships, and marriage within the Red Pill community and has given rise to various strategies for men to improve their success with women.

Origins and Etymology[edit | edit source]

The term "hypergamy" is derived from the Greek words "hyper" (meaning "over" or "above") and "gamos" (meaning "marriage"). Historically, hypergamy has been used to describe the practice of marrying into a higher social class or caste. However, within the Red Pill praxeology, the term has been enlarged to emphasize the biological and psychological factors that drive women to pursue mates with superior qualities.

The Red Pill community interprets hypergamy as an inherent aspect of female sexual strategy, with women being naturally inclined to seek out the highest value mate available. This is often manifested in a dual mating strategy that combines short-term and long-term mating preferences.

Dual Mating Strategy ("Alpha Fucks, Beta Bucks")[edit | edit source]

According to Red Pill theory, women employ a dual mating strategy that involves seeking out genetically superior mates for short-term sexual encounters while simultaneously pursuing long-term partners who can provide resources and stability. This strategy is believed to maximize the reproductive success of women by ensuring access to both high-quality genes and reliable support.

The dual mating strategy is often summarized in the Red Pill community as "Alpha Fucks, Beta Bucks." This phrase highlights the perceived dichotomy between the characteristics women find attractive in short-term (Alpha) and long-term (Beta) partners. While Alphas are seen as possessing dominant, assertive, and physically attractive traits, Betas are viewed as more submissive, supportive, and resource-providing.

Red Pill praxeology posits that women are inherently attracted to men who display high social status, physical attractiveness, and dominant behavior. These traits are believed to signal a man's ability to provide resources, protection, and genetic benefits, thus increasing his desirability as a mate.

Hypergamy in Relationships and Marriage[edit | edit source]

Within the context of relationships and marriage, hypergamy is believed to drive women to constantly evaluate their partner's value relative to other potential mates. This can lead to dissatisfaction in relationships and a propensity for women to "branch swing" or leave their current partner for a higher value man.

Strategies for Men to Navigate Hypergamy[edit | edit source]

The Red Pill community has developed several strategies for men to navigate the challenges posed by hypergamy and improve their attractiveness to women.

Improving SMV (Sexual Market Value)[edit | edit source]

Men are encouraged to increase their sexual market value (SMV) by improving their physical fitness, developing a successful career, and cultivating a confident and assertive personality. These improvements are believed to enhance a man's attractiveness to women and make him a more desirable partner.

Maintaining Frame[edit | edit source]

Another essential strategy within the Red Pill praxeology is maintaining frame. This involves projecting a strong and unwavering sense of self, which demonstrates confidence and leadership qualities that women find attractive. By maintaining frame, men can better navigate the challenges of hypergamy and establish themselves as high-value partners.

Developing Game[edit | edit source]

"Game" refers to the set of social skills, conversational techniques, and psychological strategies that men can employ to attract and maintain the interest of women. By developing effective game, men can increase their success in attracting and retaining high-quality partners, despite the influence of hypergamy.