The Natural: How to Effortlessly Attract the Women You Want

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The Natural: How to Effortlessly Attract the Women You Want is a book by Richard La Ruina.[1]

Richard La Ruina used to be the guy who couldn't get the girl. Shy, painfully awkward and still living at home with his mother, at 25 he decided to finally take control of his life and become the kind of man men admire and women desire. Having developed and honed his seduction techniques, Richard is now a 'natural' at attracting women and one of the world's most renowned pick-up artists. Now, in 'The Natural', he shares his experiences and techniques, delivering field-tested methods and easy-to-use tools for attracting the women you want.

High Status Males[edit | edit source]

Richard observed that nearly all High Status Males present five characteristics that are "conspicuously absent in most low-status males":

A Strong Sense of Self Belief[edit | edit source]

An attractive man has a very strong sense of self: a man who likes himself, trusts himself, and is confident in his own ability to act effectively in the world.

A man can "affirm his worth' using affirmations. Richard firsts suggests to write all the things you like about yourself on one side of a piece of paper. Then, on the other side, write out all of the things you don't like. You'll notice your mood is affected differently when you read each side. By writing and using positive affirmations, you are able to counteract outside negative influences.

Then, he suggests exercises in Affirming Your Worth via Positive Affirmations and Putting Yourself in "The Zone"

A Strong Physical Presence[edit | edit source]

The Ability and Willingness to Lead and Make Decisions[edit | edit source]

A Cool, Calm, and Collected Demeanor in High-Pressure Situations[edit | edit source]

Social Intelligence (the ability to connect and communicate with others)[edit | edit source]

The (Three) Characters of Seduction[edit | edit source]

There are three “characters,” or personas, that the successful man takes on during a seduction. Each of them serves a different purpose. None of them involves “acting”—it’s just a different way of behaving. We all have the capacity to behave in a wide variety of ways, after all. What the three characters model helps you do is structure your behavior so that you’re always acting in a way that maximizes your success with women and moves you forward, from the first moment you see a woman you admire to the time you go home with her.

You begin with “Mr. Sociable” upon the initial approach. After you’ve “gotten in” with the girl, you transition to a character I call “Mr. Comfort”; finally, you transition to “Mr. Seducer” when the time is right for you to start leading things toward the bedroom.