In the bedroom

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Marni Kinrys[edit | edit source]

In "6 DIRTY Things Women **SECRETLY** Want You to Do In Bed (But Won’t Say)", Marni goes on to reveal some common sexual desires that women might have but don't necessarily voice.

Summary: Marni begins by explaining that understanding what a woman wants in a sexual relationship can be challenging due to its sensitive nature. She then provides six specific things that women might want in a sexual relationship but often don't express.

  1. Dirty Talk: Marni suggests that women appreciate dirty talk because it is taboo and creates a charged environment. She encourages men to describe their feelings or intentions during sexual encounters. She also advises men to communicate these thoughts with a slow, deep voice to enhance the experience. However, Marni cautions men about name-calling unless it is mutually agreed upon.

    One of the easy ways to get started with dirty talk is to describe how your partner's actions or mere presence is making you feel. It's just like narrating. So for example, you could say things like, "God, you are so sexy, you turn me on so much.", "I love how your skin feels against mine.", "I love to hear you moan. It's so hot." Or something like, "You smell so delicious right now." So you get the idea. It's like literally just saying the things in your head out loud. You're simply vocalizing the effect her actions or her presence is having on you. Another way that you can start talking dirty is to say what you want to do to her. So things like, "I am going to tear your clothes off and have my way with you.", "I'm going to make you come so hard.", "I want to kiss every inch of your body.", "I cannot wait to taste you." Once again, pretty simple stuff. And it's just narration. This time, you're simply vocalizing your plans, what you want to do, as in again, what you intend to do to her, or what you look forward to, like a sexual tour guide.

    What you say is not nearly as important as how you say it. [...] The right delivery involves slowing things down and saying stuff in a low deep voice. That kind of delivery will send chills down her spine and it is so freaking hot. I can't even explain to you. In fact at times, you should try whispering close to her ear and neck and I can't even begin to tell you what a turn on that is. She is going to be putty in your hands if you do this right.

  2. Convey Your Desire: Marni explains that women find feeling desired by their partner arousing. She encourages men to vocalize their lust for their partners in and out of the bedroom.

    Feeling desired by our man is perhaps the most arousing experience for a woman. That's why if you let her know how much you want her, how much you crave her, how much you desire her, she's gonna go wild. So the best part is this can start before you even enter the bedroom. A simple text in the morning saying, "I had the dirtiest dream about you last night and I cannot wait to see you." You'll have her fantasizing about you all day long. Some other examples of things you could say would be things like, "Do you have any idea how much you turn me on?" Or something like this, "Every time I see you, I want to rip your clothes off." "When I saw you in that black dress today, I could barely contain myself." I have one more. "After last night, I can't get you out of my mind." The basic idea is to express your sexual desire for her. So many guys are so tight-lipped and it sucks. Vocalize your lust and do not be shy about it. When you're finally alone with her, whisper into her ears the things that you love about her. Her scent, her skin, the way she moves, the curves of her, her adorable smile, whatever gets you going. Throw in a few gentle squeezes of her thighs, a firm arm around her shoulders or waist, or a passionate kiss. And if you're strong enough, pick her up and carry her into the bedroom or put her on the kitchen counter, your desk or the bathroom sink. Let your lust guide you.

  3. Undress Her: According to Marni, undressing a woman can have a significant impact. She offers two methods, aggressive and gentle, and advises men to consider the woman's comfort and feelings during this process.
  4. Try Some Light Bondage and Blindfolds: Marni suggests some women may fantasize about light bondage or blindfolds, but it's crucial to have consent and communication about comfort levels.
  5. Go Down on Her: Marni emphasizes the importance of oral sex as most women can't reach orgasm through penetration alone. She suggests that men should focus more on what they can do with their mouths and fingers rather than worrying about their penis size or intercourse duration.
  6. Indulge in Some PDA (Public Displays of Affection): Lastly, Marni explains that some women enjoy public displays of affection. She mentions that while it can be fun, it's crucial to stay within the limits of the law.