Saving a Low Sex Marriage - A Man's Guide to Dread, Seduction, and the Long Game

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Saving a Low Sex Marriage - A Man's Guide To Dread, Seduction, and the Long Game is a book by bluepillprofessor as a guide to re-engage a man's wife's sexuality in a sexless marriage.

Initial Reddit Post

Bluepillprofessor initially posted an initial draft of the book's main content[1] to the Married Red Pill subreddit. It outlines twelve increasing levels of Dread to be employed, a minimum of one month each, to re-engage with your wife in a sexless marriage.

The 12 Levels of Dread

1. Your Life

Learn to recognize and pass shit tests.

2. The Plan

Make a plan of improvement (Male Action Plan) and implement it.

3. Your Great Mission

Get busy building a life apart from your wife.

4. Options and Consequences

Withholding time and attention from your wife. Escalating to withholding of affection and presence only if necessary.

5. The Hot Guy

Upgrade your wardrobe.

6. Practice

Study pickup artistry. Actively seduce your wife.

7. The Pickup Artist

Become a student of Pickup Artistry, begin practicing your cold approaches and number closes.

8. Demonstrations

Show your wife that you are capable of talking to pretty girls in public.

9. The Soft Ultimatum

After repeated sexual denials, tell your wife, "I need a wife who doesn't turn me down for sex most of the time, and if not, we are not going to be able to stay married".

10. The Hard Ultimatum

"You have a simple choice to make. Fuck me...or fuck you." Tell your wife how it is going to be, or else you are leaving and will no longer be bound by the marital contract. Have divorce papers drawn up and ready to sign.

11. The Hail Mary Pass (alternate to #10)

Get a girlfriend or mistress and start having sex like you were meant to have.

12. The Nuclear Option

TELL your wife that you have a girlfriend/mistress, so you won't be bothering her for sex any longer unless she wants it (because you would never deny your wife something she wants and needs).

  1. The 12 Step Plan of Dread: Book excerpt from my work in progress: "A Man's Guide To Turning Around a Low Sex Marriage (X-Post from TRP)